After you’ve asked me for months, I’m excited to share that my popular Lightroom presets are now finally available for Lightroom CC mobile, and the best part is that you won’t need to paid for an Adobe Creative Cloud or Lightroom subscription to access them! The only thing you need is the FREE Lightroom CC mobile app, which is available to both ios and android users. So now you can edit your food photos on your phone on the go.
Read MoreWhen the adorable Sasha Gill, from @thesashadiaries contacted me in late 2018, asking if she could send me a copy of her soon-to-be released debut vegan cookbook, Jackfruit & Blue Ginger, I was touched. I was even happier when Sasha and her publisher Murdoch Books kindly agreed to send an extra copy to one of my lucky audience members. That’s because it’s through sharing cookbooks full of delicious recipes with YOU that I get to say THANK YOU for being here and reading my ramblings. Now - enough gushing! Shall we take a closer look at what Jackfruit & Blue Ginger is all about and how you can win a copy?
Read MoreIt’s been a little while since I shared a plant-based recipe with you guys and seeing that The Little Plantation is first and foremost a vegan food blog, I thought it was about time I got back in the kitchen and prepared something for you. I shouldn’t actually say that this vegan dish is just ‘something’ and instead name it for what it is: EVERYTHING.
Now before you think I’m a conceited cook, I’d like to let you know that today’s recipe is in fact adapted from the brand new cookbook BENTO POWER: BRILLIANTLY BALANCED LUNCHBOX RECIPES, conceived, shot and written by my incredibly talented instagram friend, Sara Kiyo Popowa. You may know Sara on instagram as @shisodelicious where she shares her lovingly made, colourful plant-based bento box meals. But, does the idea of plant forward Japanese inspired bento boxes translate into a great cookbook? I’ll tell you what I really think and let you know how you can win a copy.…
Read MoreDo you get a bit reflective towards the end of a calendar year? I do, big time! In part because it’s always incredibly sobering to think that yet another year has passed, but also because it’s so helpful for me to analyse what worked, what didn’t work and what to focus on during the new year.
When I started blogging I had a practice where I shared my food blogger wish list for the year ahead. I did it for the year 2015 and 2016 and then fell out of this practice, settling instead for quietly writing the new year’s wish list in my journal. I call BS on that because sharing the list publicly makes me work harder, gives the wish list more power to manifest itself and provides me with a sense of accountability.
Hence here it is, my wish list for 2019. You ready?
Read MoreDisclosure: This is a paid advertorial with SapienStone. All opinions expressed in this blog post are my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.
As you know from this blog posts here I’m a person who’s in the kitchen cooking pretty much daily and someone who works with food all the time as well. Hence a great kitchen work surface to me is essential; I’m really looking for something that’s durable, scratch resistant and pleasant on the eye too.
Read MoreHey you! Yes YOU!!! Did you know that before I started my blog, I’d read other people’s food blogs and drool over their photos and kinda wished they were my best friends so they could tell me where they learned to create such stunning images and delicious looking food. Do you do that too sometimes, you know, wish that the person whose content you love would know you’re there?
Kankana’s blog - Playful Cooking - was one of the blogs I read religiously before starting my own and Kankana was one of the people I wished were my blogging friend, meaning that it felt super special when she started following me back on social media and then, over the years actually really saw me and noticed me (blush). Now imagine my delight when Kankana asked me to review her debut cookbook THE TASTE OF EASTERN INDIA (FYI I nearly fell off my chair and of course said yes); I’m sharing the results of delving deeper into her cookbook here with you today :).
Now before I share the full recipe for this vegan tomato curry with you, want to know a little bit more about Kankana’s cookbook?
Read MoreI have been teasing you for weeks (and loving it), but I finally wanted to share what’s been going on behind the scenes: I’ve starting my own PODCAST! It’s something I have been thinking about for so, so long and - with the support of my creative community, who also kept this secret safe and sound - as well as YOUR continued support and interest in me and my little plant-based food photography blog I finally felt brave enough to go for it.
Disclosure: This is a paid advertorial with GEM® Avocado. All opinions expressed in this blog post are my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.
For me the best recipes are easy, vegan, quick and SO good, you can’t help but make them again and again and again! Today’s vegan green goddess sauce recipe, which I’ve developed in collaboration with GEM® Avocado, fits this criteria perfectly. It’s the kinda, throw-it-together-last-minute-sauce that ALWAYS comes out tasting delicious, even if you get a few of the measurements wrong, swap one herb for another, or add some extra pepper for good measure. It’s not precious or precise, though I’ve written it down in the best version that I know so that you can make the green goddess sauce, tinker with it and then make it even better ;).
Read MoreWhen there is so much of everything already on the food market, how do you stand out? By making something so delicious and nourishing that everyone takes note! That’s exactly what the Belgium-based wife and husband team behind new muesli brand DEEMUESLI did when they came up with their two scrumptious muesli flavours. Tired of never finding organic, sugar-free, wheat-free muesli that was as delicious as it was filling, the couple took matters into their own hands and developed THE ultimate muesli worth waking up for.
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