I feel life is there for living, for trying new things, for taking risks and for learning from your mistakes and triumphs. Always eager to practice what I preach I hence decided to take the plunge and teach my first food photography, styling and social media workshop abroad. It felt like a risk because the people that follow me on social media and visit my blog mainly live in the UK, but I was eager to test the waters and see what would happen if I hosted a photography workshop in Madrid. I must say, I'm delighted that I did because I got to work with a LOVELY group of women, whom I may never otherwise have had a chance to spend time with. But before I tell you all about them, want to hear what happened over the 2.5 days of the workshop? Cool, because that's what today's blog post is all about!
Read Morehis blog post is part 15 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as how to get paid influencer work on instagram and working with brands and setting your price. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. Now on with today's post about my new LIVE podcast! (BTW I highly recommend you read this blog post about why I think going LIVE on instagram is SO important and this blog post about my creative community first, before digging into today's post. It's not essential but it'll just give you some context ;)).
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 14 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as should you use filters on instagram, why am I losing followers on instagram and working with brands and setting your price. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series.
A few weeks ago I got interviewed by a university student who was writing her dissertation on (paid) influencer work on instagram. It got me thinking whether YOU would like more information about how to get influencer marketing agencies to notice you. And so I posed the question on my instagram stories and - low and behold - 85% of you wanted me to write about how to get paid influencer work on instagram. As always your wish is my commend and this week that's the topic I am tackling. Sound good? Cool then please do read on.
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 12 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as what do the recent instagram stories changes really mean if you're a blogger, how to grow your instagram following and the one thing no one talks about in food blogging. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series.
Today, I'm talking about something you've been asking me about loads on instagram namely how you can customise your fonts on instagram stories? So rather than keep you wondering, I thought I'd put this blog post together with the BEST tools to help you costumise your instagram stories. I've also prepared a handy PDF with all this information, which you download if you sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of this blog post...
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 11 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as why you're losing followers (and what to do about it), how to grow your instagram following and the one thing no one talks about in food blogging. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. As for today, I'll talk in detail about the new instagram stories changes and, more importantly, what these changes mean for YOU if you're trying to make it as food blogger or instagram influencer.
Love instagram or not, the one thing no one can call instagram is boring, stagnant or uninventive. Nope, this platform is ALWAYS constantly and continuously reinventing itself, pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box. And the new instagram stories features are - yet again - instagram showing off its innovation and creativity.
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 10 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram, food blogging and social media. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as why you're losing followers (and what to do about it) and how to set your price when working with brands. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. Now on with today's blog post...
Is it just me or do we live in a society that only and always talks about (food) blogging in the context of success, fame and fortune!
''So and so left their boring 9-5 desk job to blog professionally and now is on the cover of Delicious Magazine.''
''Or such and such worked as a checkout girl and now blogs full time, with a following of 500,000 to boot and a sandwich at Pret a Manger named after her.''
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 9 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've already written about why instagram LIVE may be the new way to SERIOUSLY increase your reach and engagement, why you're losing followers (and what to do about it), and why the instagram hack should be a warning to us all. Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. Now on with today's post...
If you follow my blog and my instagram, you'll know that I'm LIVE on instagram every Sunday from 7pm - 7.15pm sharing photography and styling tips as well as answering YOUR instagram related questions. One of the questions that arose during the first LIVE photography tutorial was whether I use filters on my instagram and what my thoughts were filters in general.
Read MoreNOTE: This blog post is part 8 of my INSTAGRAM SERIES - content all about helping YOU manage your way around instagram. In the INSTAGRAM SERIES I've touched on subjects such as why it is going to get even harder for bloggers to get noticed on instagram, why you're losing followers (and what to do about it), and (the popular and upbeat) simple tips to enjoy instagram (despite the algorithms). Just click here to find all the other parts in the series. Now on with today's post...
I recently asked those who follow me on instagram to tell me what they are struggling with most on the social media platform; ENGAGEMENT and REACH came up again and again. Since the change in algorithms last year it's become so much harder to connect with your audience organically, which totally sucks right?! I hear you ;). But rather than dwell on the inevitable and unchangeable, I thought it would be interesting to try and come up with a few ideas on how best to beat the algorithms and extend your organic reach!
Read MoreIn September, Aimee from Twigg Studios and I taught a 3-day food styling and food photograpy workshop in my home 'studio' in London. It followed on from our 3-day workshop which we taught back in March this year; we enjoyed it so much we decided to do it all again and am I glad we did; we had SUCH a good time.
So much so that we thought it would be nice to have YOU take a look at what went down, just in case you're thinking about attending one of our food photography workshops in the future ;). Ok then, without further ado, let's get stuck in, shall we?
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